^Associated Press Writer
   PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) _ Since arriving in Haiti's capital two weeks ago, American soldiers have stood by in frustration as Haitian security forces beat and sometimes killed civilians.
   On Monday, they finally got to act.
   Their target: the headquarters of the Front for the Advancement and Progress of Haiti, or FRAPH, a paramilitary group that has assassinated and tortured pro-democracy advocates.
   The soldiers, gripping their assault rifles tightly and scanning rooftops for snipers, approached from two directions, tanks rumbling through the narrow streets to the headquarter gates.
   Within minutes, the white two-story building went from being a symbol of terror to a trashed-out shell. U.S. troops stormed inside, breaking apart desks and cabinets as they searched for weapons. Jubilant Haitians later finished the headquarters off, smashing everything inside to bits.
   "I can speak for everybody that this feels great," said Army Pfc. Mario Palumbo, who watched the proceedings from behind a machine gun, an ammunition belt slung across his shoulder.
   "Now we can straighten things out and help the people of Haiti, instead of standing behind a fence watching."
   Dozens of suspected FRAPH members were forced to lie on the pavement outside the headquarters while American soldiers, shouting and threatening those who moved too slowly, searched and handcuffed them.
   When a squad of Haitian police arrived, the American soldiers pointed their weapons, flung away the Haitians' guns and ammunition clips and ordered them to lie on their bellies, arms outstretched.
   Under an agreement that averted an invasion last month, Haitian and U.S. forces were supposed to cooperate as the United States restores President Jean-Bertrand Aristide to power. But Haitian forces have persisted in abusing civilians, even beating one man to death in full view of American soldiers on Sept. 20.
   The last straw came Friday, the third straight day that FRAPH gunmen broke up demonstrations by pro-Aristide demonstrators. Five people died that day, several shot by FRAPH.
   "The days of Mr. Nice Guy are over," a U.S. Army sergeant said as he strode past a truck filled with men captured in Monday's raid. The men's hands were bound behind their backs with thin plastic handcuffs, and one man's mouth was taped shut.
   Inside the FRAPH headquarters, the once-feared militiamen had left playing cards scattered on a table, and a bottle of whiskey sat nearby. Broken glass littered the floor. In one room, a television set stayed on, broadcasting a news report about an attack on an American soldier the night before.  


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